Wed, 27 Dec
|St Kilda Town Hall
Atklāšanas Koncerts / Opening Concert
Nāciet uz AL59KD atklāšanu un svinīgo koncertu St Kilda pilsētasnamā. Join us for the opening ceremony and gala concert, followed by a glass of bubbly and canapés.
Time & Location
27 Dec 2023, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
St Kilda Town Hall, 99A Carlisle St, St Kilda VIC 3182, Australia
About the event
Nāciet uz AL59.KD atklāšanu un svinīgo koncertu St Kilda pilsētasnamā. Koncerts ir izveidots, lai pacilātu un patīkami saviļņotu klausītājus ar burvīgiem ieskatiem gaidāmajos Svētkos. Šajā 1.5 stundas pasākumā sniegsim priekšnesumus no Austrālijas, kā arī no īpašiem Latvijas viesiem, ieskaitot etno-pop grupu “Tautumeitas” un kokles meistari Laimu Jansonu. Programma ir daudzveidīga, iesaistot Melburnas latviešu jaukto, vīru un jauniešu korus (Daina, Veseris, Ausma), tautas dejas kopu Ritenīti un Austrālijas Latviešu teātri (ALT). Koncerts sniegs nevis tikai tradicionālus un mums iemīļotos skaņa darbus, bet mēs arī baudīsim latviešu mūzikas arranžejumus no “Kamer Dzirkstelēm” un mūsu jauniem diasporas komponistiem (Aija Dragūna un Ivars Štubis). Koncertu repertuārs tika īpaši izvēlēts, lai izveidot īsu atspogulojumu galvenajiem AL59KD koncertiem.
Sekos glāze burbuļu un uzkodas.
Come to the opening of AL59KD and gala concert at the St Kilda Town Hall, followed by a glass of bubbly and canapés. The concert has been curated to uplift and excite the audience with enchanting glimpses of the coming AL59KD events. This 1.5 hour event features “home-grown” talent from Australia, as well as special guests from Latvia, the etno-pop group “Tautumeitas” and “kokle’’ virtuoso Laima Jansone. Local choirs (Daina, Veseris and Ausma) will perform recent Latvian choral favourites, accompanied by folk dancing (TDK Ritenītis). The traditional elements of the concert will be complemented by a more modern inspired repertoire, covered by ‘’Chamber Sparks” featuring world-class classical musicians, Australian Latvian Theatre (ALT) with an extract from the rock opera “Lāčplēsis” (Bear-Slayer) accompanied by the group “Jā”. Musical arrangements will also be heard from our young composers Aija Draguns and Ivars Stubis (from Jōra). This opening concert is a re-invigorated version of prior ALKD opening concerts, with the repertoire specially chosen to “show-case” and provide an introductory “snap-shot” to numerous concerts held during the festival.
Canapes and a glass of bubbly is included after the concert.